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A Tribute to Board of Directors Treasurer & Convoy of Hope Foundation Chairman Scott Howard

Reported by Convoy of Hope
Scott Howard, President of Commercial Roofers, Inc., in Haiti.

The Convoy of Hope team and its partners are saddened at the passing of our Board of Directors Treasurer and Convoy of Hope Foundation Chairman Scott Howard on December 24, 2020.

“Scott will be greatly missed,” said Hal Donaldson, Convoy of Hope President. “He and Janet and their children have been staunch supporters of the work of Convoy of Hope.”

Scott was president of Commercial Roofers, Inc. in Las Vegas, a corporation originally founded by his grandfather and father.

A 1979 graduate of Oral Roberts University (ORU) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Scott was a member of ORU’s Board of Trustees where he worked closely with Hal and with Convoy of Hope’s ambassador at large, Dr. Don Argue, before joining Convoy of Hope’s Board of Directors.

Of the challenges faced when leading Commercial Roofers, Scott told ORU’s alumni magazine, “God was there every step of the way.”

Scott Howard maintained a very hands-on connection with Convoy of Hope.

“Scott and his family traveled with Convoy of Hope internationally to see the work firsthand,” Hal said. “In addition, he participated in community outreaches in the States and toured disaster sites with our teams. He told me just weeks before he passed that he and Janet were looking forward to joining us for the dedication of the new distribution center. The project meant a lot to Scott. Many of us who were close to Scott feel a huge hole in our hearts.”


Disasters bring barriers to many basic needs, including access to #food. Everyday things are unexpectedly gone — food becomes a critical concern. This is why organizations like ours exist: to respond to disasters with tangible aid and compassion. 🥣👉